
Feeding tubes: CJ began his feeding tube adventure with an NG tube.  When he was three weeks old, they placed a PEG tube.  A few months later, a G/J tube was placed and 30 days later, replaced when the first one came out.  After overcoming acid reflex, a G tube was next in line.   CJ's "tour" of feeding tubes was not my first, nor my last experience with feeding tubes as my college job as a waiver provider and my career as a special education teacher for students with significant disabilities have exposed me to a variety of feeding procedures.

Oxygen: CJ came home from the NICU on oxygen and continued to need the respiratory support for much of the first year of his life. 

Heart: CJ was born with a PDA and an PFO.  Time has allowed them to begin to close and we continue to stay in touch with his cardiologist, who also happens to have been his pediatrician for the first three years of his life.  

Sleep Apnea: CJ suffers from significant sleep apnea, so alarms and sleep studies, we are all too familiar with.  We recently added a CPAP machine to CJ's nightly routine. 

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